Sunday, June 12, 2011

Are you too busy to take care of yourself? Most of us say we are. We have too many responsibilities, too many things on our to do list, too many people who are counting on us. Hmmm……let’s think about this for a minute It’s like saying you’re too busy to stop and get gas for your car. You know you have to have gas or you can’t go anywhere, right? What happens when your car runs out of fuel? You are forced to stop and make that embarassing call for help or take a hike to the gas station. It probably takes longer to do that than to have stopped to fill up in the first place. Same thing happens in life. When your physical or emotional fuel gage runs low, you have to refuel. If you don’t you are forced to stop and ask for help or wallow miserably in the bed for a few days. Or even end up in the hospital. How does this serve you or anyone else for that matter? If you think you’re too busy to refuel, then you probably really, really need to do just that. Whether you choose to meditate regularly, hit the gym several times a week, walk in the park, read a book, or take a long soak in the tub without distractions, it’s time to take care of yourself and refuel. You don’t have to do it all. You can learn to say no to some of the stuff that’s not that important. You can learn to say yes to you. Because you need it. You deserve it. And keeping your physical and emotional fuel gauge filled allows you to do the things that need doing without risking having to stop just when you’re needed most. So the next time you find yourself saying you’re too busy to take care of you, think about what happens if you don’t. Make some time to honor yourself exquisite and wonderful self and fill up your tank on a regular basis.

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