Saturday, February 5, 2011

Someone said to me the other day they must be doing too much multitasking because they couldn’t get out the sentence they wanted to say. It was all jumbled up and they had to stop and refocus in order to get it out. We laughed about it, but it’s really true. When we get too many things going on, it’s impossible to fully give your attention to the task at hand. I know I’m guilty of doing the same thing. I may be working on a project while my mind is elsewhere. The tv or radio is probably on, the phone is ringing, I’m thinking about my to do list or what I’m going to have for dinner, the dog wants out, etc. Or I’ll get an idea for the blog, but forget about it almost as quickly as I thought it because I’m distracted with something else. As much as I love technology, it does make it difficult to stay focused on one thing at a time. While I may not be able to do much about it at work, I’ve taken the bull by the horns at home. Sometimes I don’t even turn on the tv or radio. I just focus on the task at hand, whatever it might be. I find that life is so much simpler that way and I usually get a lot more done. It also gives me a certain sense of peace and freedom that I otherwise don’t feel. Maybe I’m just getting old and simple minded, but I don’t think so. I think staying focused is the key to successfully completing those projects both big and small and eliminating a lot of the stress in our lives.

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