Sunday, February 27, 2011

I’ve always been a cup half full person and I find it difficult to understand people who are cup half empty people. When you look for the good stuff it’s amazing how much of it you notice. Same is true with the bad stuff. Why would you focus on the negative things around you instead of the positive? That’s not to say that I don’t get down now and then. I think we all do. It’s just human nature. Things aren’t always perfect, and it would be boring if they were, but there are so many wonderful things to be grateful for in our world. What is it that negative people get out of being negative? Some will tell you that it’s genetic and others will say that they are a product of their environment. I say hogwash! We have a choice every day when we wake up to either be optimistic and grateful for what we have or to wallow in misery and self pity. Every day ordinary people overcome hugh obstacles, lives of poverty or abuse, war and fear to become beings of light who have the power to effect the world. Some are famous, some are not, but they all chose to focus on the positive and find ways to appriciate what they have and the courage to change what doesn’t work. It’s all about attitude. It’s about seeing the good things in life and being grateful for what we have. I challenge you to write down 5 things every day that you’re grateful for. If you do, you can change your life and you’ll find yourself being happier without even realizing when it happened. What are you grateful for today?


  1. sunshine
    good friends

    feeling better already!

  2. Terrific Morgan.....don't forget Vegas :o)
