Over the past couple of months I’ve had a small plumbing problem in my shower. Nothing huge or in need of immediate repair, but frustrating none the less. I kept putting off calling the plumber due to all sorts of reasons and excuses, but I finally got him out here the other day and got it taken care of. What a blessing. I didn’t realize how great it is to not worry everytime I turn off the faucet about it leaking. I also didn’t realize how much it affected my water pressure until I got in the shower after it was repaired. It was like a whole new experience.
I bring this up because it reminded me of all the tolerations we deal with on a day to day basis. They’re usually little things like my faucet, or a closet that needs to be cleaned out, or the oil change for the car. But, here’s the thing…….these small seemingly insignificant things are huge energy drainers. It’s astounding actually, just how much energy we use up dealing with the little things that are easily taken care of. We don’t realize it at the time. It’s only after they are no longer a worry that we see how much time and energy we wasted thinking about them or putting up with them. How nice it is to free up that energy for other things and not have them cluttering up your mind and your time. It’s so much easier to just do it and be done instead of putting it off.
So I pose this question to you today……what tolerations are you living with every day that take up your time and energy? It’s time, I think, to just do it.
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