Sunday, May 1, 2011

A lot of people complained this week about all the news coverage of the royal wedding. They weren’t able to wake up and start their day with the usual news of war, economic decline, auto accidents, murders, and chaos. They felt that all the pomp and circumstance was a waste of time and cut into their daily dose of misery. Even a veteran news caster commented that the television networks shouldn’t be spending so much money on something so trivial when there are so many stories of disaster in the world that are news worthy. But I ask you, what’s wrong with starting your day with a dose of love instead? Do you realize that for a few hours, millions of people around the world were focused on one thing… How great is that? Millions and millions of people were thinking about love and possibilities and romance. What if we started every day that way? What if the leading news story was always about love or unity or celebration? Do you see how this could change our world? With that many people focused on something positive instead of on fear based stories of doom and distruction we could literally change our lives. How great would it be to turn on the television or radio and hear the newscaster say “in today’s breaking news 100,000 street kids now have permanent, loving homes, 1 million people started new jobs and there have been no new forclosures on homes for the last six months, 200 species have been removed from the endangered list, and 1 billion people performed random acts of kindness. In related stories, hundreds of thousands are no longer homeless and hungry because of an amazing grass roots movement spanning the globe. And we’ll bring you updates throughout the day about how people are changing our world with those random acts of kindness.” How great would it be if the majority of news stories were about the good things people do instead of the bad things? How great would it be if news stories inspired us and highlighted our connectedness instead of our differences? Do you think this would change our collective consciousness and focus? I do. While I admit I’m not a fan of the royals and wouldn’t have cared if the wedding was televised or not, still it was refreshing to see everyone focused on and thinking about a positive event instead of something terrible. Perhaps we should take this as an invitation to spend more time thinking about the good things life has to offer. And perhaps we should ask our media to give us more inspiring stories each day. We all benefit from inspiration and hope. And what better way to start or end your day than hearing about something good and inspiring happening in the world?


  1. what an awesome way to look at this situation. Mark and I were both complaining about the wedding wondering how it was news...but when you put it in this perspective, it is much nicer to hear about love rather than sad, depressing news.

  2. Thanks Morgan. It really is all about perspective and looking for the good in the world instead of the bad.
