Sunday, March 27, 2011

There is a time, very early in the morning, before the sun comes up, when the earth is still and quiet. The stars still twinkle overhead, but start to slowly fade from view. There is no wind, not even a breeze. And there is silence. And then, softly, almost imperceptably, a small breeze may appear. A bird may start to sing in a tree nearby. The sun is still below the horizon, but everything starts to stir and a prepare for the new day ahead. The stars wink out one by one. This is the most magical time of the day. It is a time of possibilities, a new beginning. A gift offered to us once every 24 hours. Sadly, most of us miss this enchanting time. Even if we’ve crawled from the warmth and security of our beds, we’re already busy planning our day, listening to the news, and any number of other things that we do to distract ourselves and disconnect with the natural cycle of the planet. Our minds are racing ahead to the day itself and everything on our to do list. We rarely if ever, even notice what’s going out just outside our window. I challenge you to wake up a few minutes early tomorrow and go outside. Go out before you turn on the tv or hop in the shower. Just spend a few minutes in silence. Celebrate the new day, this gift that you’ve been given. Breath deeply and feel the world around you as it awakens from slumber. If the sun is already peeking over the horizon, turn you face to it and say thank you for it’s warmth and light. Thank you for another day. Thank you for my life and all my many blessings. Thank you for this beautiful planet upon which I’m so lucky to live. Let me know what happens.

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